
Articipate offers financial assistance for participation in arts programs in the Salida area. All ages may apply for a wide range of opportunities including Articipate Programs, dance classes, workshops, theater camps, voice lessons and more! While applications are accepted throughout the year, applicants are due on the following dates for the four quarters/funding cycles:
Qtr I. Applications due December 20th for classes that start Jan. 1st– March 31st
Qtr II. Applications due March 20th for classes that start April 1st –June 30th
Qtr III. Applications due June 20th for classes that start July 1st-September 30th
Qtr IV. Applications due Sept 20th for classes that start October 1st-December 31st
All scholarship recipients agree to give Articipate use of their written materials and images associated with their program participation.

Download the Articipate Scholarship selection criteria.

Please be careful when filling out this form, all fields are required, and the application will not be completed unless it is successfully submitted. Once the form is submitted, you will receive a copy by email. If you do not receive this, please contact Bones directly by phone: 719 207 3422 or  email:

  • To Be Filled Out By Applicant

  • This application was completed by the student. (Parent assistance is acceptable and even encourage, however we are truly interested in hearing what each student applicant has to say.)